A leading global Technopolis and Hub of Innovation



To develop a thriving sustainable smart city and a vibrant innovation ecosystem contributing to Kenya’s knowledge Economy

The Government of Kenya established the Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA) as a special purpose entity to facilitate the development of Konza. The mission of KoTDA is to ensure that Konza grows into a sustainable, world-class technology hub and a major economic driver for the nation, with a vibrant mix of businesses, workers, residents, and urba​​n amenities. KoTDA is responsible for overseeing the development and management of Konza, and for establishing a strong value proposition for businesses to locate and expand in Konza. KoTDA’s Board of Directors was appointed in 2013. The Board is currently overseeing the development of infrastructure for Phase 1 of Konza.


Market and promote

Establish a strong value proposition to encourage businesses to move to Konza. Attract real estate developers and prospective tenants.

Finance public infrastructure

Secure funding from the Central Government to provide incentives, services, and infrastructure to move Konza forward. Redirect, in a flexible and independent manner, the national government funding secured. Collect user fees, assessments, and other revenues, and re-invest the funds generated back into Konza. Borrow capital funds at attractive market rates, in order to effectively leverage resources, with the resultant debt being serviced by either revenues generated by the project, national government guarantees, or both..

Manage distribution of parcels

Lease Konza land through a 99-year ground lease from the federal government. Negotiate sub-leases with developers for parcel development.

Develop public infrastructure

Oversee real estate development and fund physical infrastructure, either independently or through public private partnerships (PPPs).


Regulate development

Guide real estate development according to master plan principles. Create and administer incentives to businesses.


Manage transaction services

Facilitate business at Konza through expeditious and clear one-stop procurement and permitting. Provide and oversee PPP provision of high-quality services. Collaborate with appropriate governmental entities to obtain high-quality municipal services.